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(Tibbo) Quark, why are man-made religions still so popular?
(Quark) The constancy of mindless ritual is reassuring,
(Quark) and there's always the hope of divine assistance.
But the biggest factor is cultural tradition.
(Tibbo) Do people really believe in the teachings?
(Quark) No. That's not the point.
(Flossie) Zilfer, what's the problem?
(Zilfer) Every time it looks like a new species of human is going to be successful, they go and create man-made religions.
(Zilfer) With man-made scriptures.
(Flossie) When will they ever learn [with music notes]
Q: I believe in the complete truthfulness and validity of this scripture. (holding book)
A: How do you know it's absolute truth?
Q: It says so in 2 Timothy 3:16.
Q: How can I judge how true a religion is?
A: It's inversely proportional to how many rules there are. Up to a point.
Q: OK, what if there are no rules?
A: Well, there at least has to be general guidelines, otherwise you have nothing.
Teacher: Actually, a true religion will have one rule.
Q: Which is?
A: At bottom, everything is love and unity. Act accordingly.
Q: I don't see a lot of love and unity here.
A: We're not at the bottom of everything yet.
Tibbo: A true religion also will have very little doctrine.
Person: Why is that?
Tibbo: Truth is big. And unspecific. It can't be pinned down.
Person: So then a true religion would have no ritual at all? And there would be no reason to attend church.
Tibbo: Yes.
OK, I'm beginning to understand.
Q: Why do some religions denigrate the intrinsic worth of individuals?
A: The religion wants to be seen as the spiritual authority and the savior of helpless individuals.
Q: Do you have any suggestions for us?
A: Remember the bumper sticker "Question authority"?
Teacher: You've given away your spiritual life and understanding to the churches. Just as you've given your health to the doctors,
your children's education to the schools, and your money to the credit institutions.
Q: What can I do?
A: Take them back.
Q: What motivates people to follow the religion of their culture?
A: Wanting a personal relationship with the divine - 5%.
A: Tradition, ritual, and a feeling of belonging - 95%.
Structured belief systems are prisons that keep you from finding your own truth.
This applies to all dogmatic religions, including fundamental and pentecostal ones.
When you switch religions you are simply switching prisons.
Q: What are the primary sources of conflict in the world?
A: Cultural differences, ethnic differences, religious differences and territorial disputes.
A: Especially combinations of those, aided by the psychological need for an adversary.
Q: So there's little hope for a peaceful future.
A: There would be, if people paid attention to the original teachings of their religion and their common roots.
The original teachings of all the major religions, if you strip away all the accumulated dogma, are very close to the truth.
If you go back far enough.
So that dogma and ritual is just clutter?
Essentially, yes.
Should I replace my bible with "How To Declutter"?
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