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Is there any hard proof of God? Belief in spirituality doesn't require blind faith. Assumptions about God are all false. God is not all-knowing and all-powerful. No doctrine is necessary. In the eyes of God and the spirit world, you are completely worthy now. How can I come to know God? Respect life and all of creation. God is not a single being. People who believe in God are not better than those who don't. God is all existence, seen and unseen. Your soul is the timeless essence of you The devil is a figment of the collective imagination. Why doesn't God tell us how to solve all our problems? Are Heaven and Hell real? 'God is merciful' doesn't make sense. What does God look like? We have angels, guides, teachers, various ascended masters Is there a name for the group of guides? The collection of guides and teachers is called God. Nature spirits care for plants and animals. There are earth, water, air and fire elementals. Fairies can materialize their lowest three dimensions. Ghosts are former humans in spirit. Does evil exist in spirit? You can protect yourself against harmful spiritual influences. How can evil and fear be eliminated? Is evil real? What is the number one problem in the world? Shelley wrote an eloquent defense of atheism. God's favorite creation is music. God delegates listening to prayers. When are prayer requests acted on? A blessing is when divine healing and balancing energy is bestowed. Spirit guides hear everything you think. The spirit world is not offended by casual swearing. Is swearing benign? Purely secular swearing is benign, to spirit. Spirit appreciates a little gratitude. The influence of spirit guides is called 'intuition'. God will not fix the flaws of civilization. Unguided free will is the only way civilizations can evolve. There’s a slight problem with the free will concept We can send a message to the planet occasionally. We can’t directly intervene in a free will planet. Different souls are at different stages of development. Any belief system is easy to hold onto if you don't look at the facts. Fortune-telling and pseudoscience are invalid. Not even spirit can predict the future absolutely. My fairies are allowing themselves to be seen too often. Spirit has a sense of humor. What happens when all life in the universe achieves complete awareness? Channeling is a more direct way of receiving information from spirit. Space and time had a beginning. Agnosticism is the most clearly logical belief system. Are there formless beings floating around? The main goals of 3D existence. Feelings of hatred and mistrust between groups of people. We were seeded by a civilization that overcame their pettiness. Alien visitors don't make themselves known. Will we get there before we destroy ourselves? Why are societies slow to change? Dictatorships hold back progress of a planet. Does asking for help invalidate the planetary self-progression? The negative must be experienced to know and appreciate the positive. The biggest challenge facing Earth The planet has consciousness. What you think of as God doesn't exist. Are there Republicans in heaven? Talk about the Plan. Uncover your hidden talents to empower yourself. You can discover yourself through creativity. Be the best mailman or mailwoman possible. Nature, travel, and meditation are other ways to self-discovery. To know that your soul is advanced is not elitism. Art, literature, and powerful music nurture your soul. Special music has 'celestial' power. You can access celestial power in music if your soul is advanced enough. Become receptive using meditation and creativity.
Prime Intelligence delegated to us the task of creation. God is aware of what we do but not how we do it. We have unlimited power and there's nobody micromanaging us. Creators have a large responsibility. We operate outside of space and time. Our lowest 3 dimensions reside in 3D space and time. I like your visual instincts in choosing suitable planets. I want us to seed a new species of humans. Our plan is to seed new races of humans. I want you to find ten habitable planets. Quark is giving you all the plum civilization-seeding assignments. We are running out of planets to seed new life on. That new solar system has a suitable planet. I want to seed a new race of humans. Your latest planetary seeding failed. It is allowed to seed a civilization on another planet. Your new planet's society didn't blow itself up. Your planet got hit by an asteroid. Anything other than four legs would be awkward. There's a lot to be said for four legs instead of two. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? What are the prerequisites for working in Biology? Why do you visit this planet so often? We're developing new humans that can survive in warmer climates. Only when I slip down into three dimensions. My new butterfly species is flawed. I’m going to jazz up this species of human by creating three genders. My new planet's society is polluting the air. Workplace discrimination rules apply in the higher dimensions. I find planets that are viable for life, and you check them for beauty. Your new species of humans has no creativity. You can evolve new species flawlessly but you can't evolve yourself. Once we release a design it's difficult to alter the DNA. Each aspect of a living organism has to be functional. Why are our cats so unhappy?
Reincarnation is for real. 'You must be born again' is literally true. There's no evidence for reincarnation because it would defeat the purpose. All the reincarnation grades are mixed together in the same classroom. You come in each time with no memories of past lives. You chose who you are in this lifetime because of the lessons it would afford. We would like you to reincarnate as a poor illiterate woman We want you to return to Earth as a gay woman. Don’t forget to build in the reincarnation mechanism for your planet. It's hard to believe in a God when there's strife in the world. You reincarnate with the same group of souls. You could be a woman in the next reincarnation. My husband might be my wife in the next incarnation? I might be a woman in the next lifetime? Might I come back as a moose in the next life? Have I reincarnated on other planets? Tell me about the planet I lived on. Oxygen must be getting created somewhere. Why is the reincarnation process even necessary? Why is reincarnation needed? A committee decides your reincarnational fate. The collective karmic burden on Earth becomes lighter. Is my experience in this lifetime lost forever? A suggestion for improving the reincarnation process. Reincarnation violates Occam's Razor. Why are you keeping reincarnation a secret? There is no hell. Can we skip the reincarnating part? With reincarnation there is purpose in creation. You will encounter trials that were preordained before your birth. The consistency of reincarnation principles is a logical argument in its favor. Reincarnating backwards in time isn't allowed. When you pass to the other side there is a panoramic life review. Buddhism correctly sees reincarnation as its major truth. How reincarnation got started How to avoid building more karma I want to teach that person a lesson. Karma means you can forgive and forget. Our life as we know it is mostly what we need now. Two ways to resolve a karmic imbalance. Working through a karmic debt You don't have to feel like a victim You can let go of negative judgments. You are different from them. A major piece of your Happiness Quotient Reincarnation and karma are neutral. The end is the same as the beginning. Is it appropriate to switch my focus in this lifetime?
We can’t circumvent evolution. Why are the outcomes of evolution so unpredictable? Evolution alone can't create new species. Evolution perfects species. It does not originate them. Did the stripes on a tabby cat evolve or were they created? That answer is no better than 'God works in mysterious ways'. My new race of humans can't stand upright. Is your new species' evolution finished yet? All currently-evolving species are to be put on hold. I hope was hoping to create prairie dogs using evolution alone. I ended up with 273 species of rabbits. I believe the beauty of peacocks' tails arose through evolution alone. A hundred monkeys could not recreate the works of Shakespeare. Evolution would take longer than the age of the universe. Life would need the ability to self-replicate to get started. Why is evolution needed at all? Let's call it a pancreas. How did DNA arise out of random mutation and survival of the fittest?
Quantum physics says that physical matter has a probabilistic aspect. All matter is made of vibrating strings. A primeval vibration is behind creation. Music is vibration and vibrational relationships. Science is limited by what it is able to directly observe. Memories are recorded in energy fields. Eventually science will be able to explain beauty factually. Scientists say that a beautiful face is the result of evolution alone. In abstract math there are no numbers. Science knows there are higher dimensions. Why does a mirror reverse things horizontally but not vertically? Infinite time doesn't make sense. Time was created, along with 3D space. Time was created from the original energy. Has the universe always existed? Time is an artificial construct. We can stop time. You can't. If you could go backwards in time, you'd never learn anything. I'd like to go back in time and fix all the bad things that have happened. Could you creators rewind time if you wanted to? Is there any hope of getting answers to the large questions? Science and theology will eventually merge into the same thing again.
it's part of a 30-planet solar system. A permanent rainbow in the sky. Is Earth's sun in a constellation as seen from Arcturus? There will always be a full moon sometime during the night. That planet's year is 50 days long. I tilted the planet’s axis 25 degrees. That galaxy looks quite promising for my new life forms. One of those stars would be our sun. Our ancient ancestors went to that star. One of your seeding planets is in the solar system of Arcturus. That planet doesn't rotate. Its rotation and revolution times are the same.
Why are religions still so popular? They create man-made religions. How do you know this scripture absolute truth? How can I judge the truth of a religion? A true religion will have only one rule. A true religion will have very little doctrine. Some religions make us feel unworthy. We've given our spiritual life away to the churches. What motivates people to follow their culture's religion? Structured belief systems are prisons. Cultural, ethnic, religious and territorial differences are the sources of conflict. The original teachings of all major religions are close to the truth.
You arose from the spark of life, followed by guided evolution. Did you watch us evolve from the beginning? Alligators don't drink beer. Other primates evolved on Earth, besides Homo Sapiens. Some primate species were transplanted directly from their home planet. Earth has seen five seedings of human life. This seeding of humans is millions of Earth years old. Your DNA was adjusted by Pleiadean ancestors. The children of the morning star What constellation is the Pleiades in? Humans from different solar systems are the different races you see today. Some of the transplanted human-like creatures were reptilian. Your seeding has seen several civilization attempts including Atlantis. Did Atlantis self-destruct or was it arranged? Are those the only stars in the galaxy with life?