This is a very brief outline of Lyssa Royal's booklet The Prism of Lyra (Royal Priest Research Press), which is based on various channeled sources. It has a lot of information I have not seen elsewhere, that meshes with what we know about extraterrestrials and their activities.
The original, eternal primal energy coalesced into a Consciousness. That consciousness decided to see if it could expand itself and increase its complexity. It separated itself into many fragments, hoping
that they would individualize and then reintegrate back into the Whole from a place of separation.
The Whole, or God, imagined into being Creator Intelligences who created the physical universe (first density)
as the stage for this drama. The design was and is incredibly complex and beautiful, and even now is not fully understood by Earth science.
The Creator Beings brought into existence initial plant and animal life forms (second density), then allowed evolution to develop them into diverse flora and fauna at various places in the universe. Primates with
self-awareness and thinking ability eventually came into being (third density).
Planets in the constellation Lyra became home to the first humanoid races, at least in our galaxy.
The two ideals of outward focus, or helping others, and that of self-focus was a basic polarity right from the start.
Because the level of awareness in this third-density creation was relatively low, conflicts flared up within Lyra and especially later with Vega, a bright star in Lyra, which housed a different humanoid species from the first Lyrans.
The "sides" in these polarity struggles were not necessarily right or wrong, just different. But the players in this drama could not understand how to balance their energies. The battle escalated
and a planet's life was annihilated by nuclear war.
Most of the Lyrans relocated to the Sirius star system, to start anew (there are at least two Sirius suns). But this experiment did not work out well either.
It was decided to move the Sirian conflict to another locale, a star in the Orion constellation, where the conflict continued and grew.
Early on, a group of Lyrans relocated to planet Earth to break free of unhelpful trends, where they merged some of the genetics of the existing primate species into their own, creating a protoytpe Earth human. Sometime later
these humans chose to populate in a different star system in the same area of the galaxy, the Pleiades cluster of stars. They wished to grow a culture based in harmony and balance, and did so. Learning of the situation
in Orion, they offered to help. A mighty struggle ensued, with the Orion Empire destroying one of the Pleiadian planets.
Over time Orion and the Pleiades have healed their conflicts and now Earth is trying to remember what happened there and emulate the healing process.
Earth has been on the sidelines throughout all this drama but as our own drama intensifies, our struggle for resolution is taking center stage in the galaxy.
In recent years the power of polarity has eclipsed our evolutionary gains in ethical awareness. The galaxy wishes to avoid a nuclear war, which would have major
repercussions everywhere.
Sirians, Orions and others have visited Earth in the distant past, many with a negative influence, the Egyptian "god" Set being an example. The judgmental and jealous "Gods" of scripture were extraterrestrials of this type, including Pleiadians at times.
Pleiadeans now see us as their "children". They are trying to help and their effect is mostly positive. They are the most like us genetically. They can incarnate here or visit directly without being recognized as aliens.
But they do not wish to visit openly until we have healed our divisions on our own.
Arcturan beings are non-physical sixth-density forms who also transmit healing energy, and sometimes manifest visually as angels.
The planet called Apex, in the Lyran system, was the one destroyed by nuclear war. Some of its inhabitants, aware of what was likely to happen, secluded themselves underground.
Sources of energy other than food, including certain light frequencies, came into use. They changed physically. They became smaller, while the cranium increased in size. Their eyes grew large in the dim light.
There was little variation in appearance from person to person. Group consciousness largely replaced individual awareness.
When they finally emerged onto the surface after thousands of years, they had become a new species.
They became based in the vicinity of the star system Zeta Reticuli, where they are to this day.
The Reticuli have been visiting Earth to refresh their atrophied genetic line. Most alien abductions are the doings of Reticuli, who always return the subject. A Reticuli detention is always agreed to at the soul level. Harmful or unpleasant abductions, and mutilations, are carried out by less friendly species. The Reticuli also want to learn how to relate as emotional beings, an aspect that they lost long ago.
All these civilizations are within about 400 light years from Earth, some much closer than that (the whole galaxy is about 100,000 light years across). The galactic history is one of trying to reintegrate polarities. Many attempts did not end well, but some did. The galaxy has seen relocation to other planets many times. It has seen nuclear war and planetary destruction. Earth is on the verge of either intensifying its polarities, or resolving them peacefully. It cannot continue for long in its present state of ambiguity. We must all claim responsibility for the planet. "The extraterrestrials will not intervene to clean up humanity's mess...[they] can only remind humanity of its unlimited potential. Their communication [and signs such as crop circles] can be likened to a dangling carrot. If the human race wants that must unify and integrate."1 But today, in 2024, all the more subtle signs, most unseen by the masses, point to a peaceful future.
[1] Royal and Priest, The Prism of Lyra, Royal Priest Research, p.18.