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What the – ? I'm not dead? You mean reincarnation is for real?
Flossie: If you believe “you only go around once in life” is true ... you probably also believe “it's not a crime if you don't get caught”.
(person) So “you must be born again” is literally true?
Flossie: Of course it is. What exactly did you think it meant?
Q: I don't believe in reincarnation, because there's no hard evidence for it.
A: Of course there isn't. That would defeat the purpose.
Q: Which is?
A: People need to start over with a fresh slate many times, to evolve their souls. One life time isn't near enough for most of us.
Q: So we're in school, advancing from grade to grade?
A: Yes, in a way. And at the end you graduate.
Q: Have some of us been in school longer than others?
A: Yes. But the grades are all mixed together in the same classroom.
Q: Whose bright idea was that?
Q: So I come in each time with no knowledge of reincarnation and no memories of past lives? What's up with that?
A: You know, there's a reason actors in a play can't see the audience.
Gator: Your persona in this lifetime is just one temporary aspect of the larger you.
You chose who you are this time because of the lessons it would afford.
Q: How much leeway did I have, in choosing?
A: Some. But you can't be a rock start every time.
Flossie: We would like you to return as a poor illiterate woman from a third-world country.
Guy: Why?
Flossie: You asked for a speedup in your learning. This should do it.
Flossie: With your permission, we want you to return to Earth as a gay woman, so you can experience discrimination first-hand.
Guy: OK, but the time after that I want to be a John Wayne look-alike.
(Quark) Flossie, don’t forget to build in the reincarnation mechanism for your new planet and species of human.
(Flossie) I know, but making them figure things out on their own always seems so heartless.
(Quark) Think of it as Outward Bound on a larger scale
Q It's hard to believe in a God when there's so much strife and conflict in the world.
A Maybe all that strife is part of the learning plan for humanity.
A And that means you need reincarnation, because you're're not going to learn the lesson in one generation.
Q What if I don't like the idea of reincarnation?
A It's either that or atheism. Take your pick. Hint: which one makes the most sense from a larger view, and offers the most hope?
Gator: You tend to reincarnate with the same group of souls over and over again. Many of them are your immediate family. It facilitates the learning process.
Q: So my child this time might be my parent next time?
A: Yes, it's possible.
Q: Oh great. Is there an opt-out mechanism?
Gator: If you're a man you could be a woman next time. And vice-versa.
Q (woman): You mean I'll have to find my own dates? I can't just stand around?
A: Start working on your pickup lines, honey. And get used to choosing your clothes at random every morning.
Q: Are you saying my husband might be my wife next time, and I'll be the husband?
A: Could be.
Q: He's going to get a taste of his own medicine.
A: It works both ways, honey.
Q: So I might be a woman in the next lifetime?
A: Yes. Especially if you disrespected women this time.
Q: Can I get a little help in this?
A: We'll give you a free cell phone. With unlimited calling time.
Q: What if I come back as a moose in the next life?
A: You haven't been paying attention, have you?
Q: Have I reincarnated on other planets besides Earth?
A: Hold on, let me check. Yes, you've lived on a planet in the Orion constellation.
Q: What about other galaxies?
A: No, you're not quite that adventurous.
Q: Tell me about that other planet I lived on.
A: It had only a small amount of water, so they had to conserve it carefully.
Q: Did they run out of water?
A: A planet doesn't run out of water, it gets recycled. Oxygen, though, is a different story.
Q: We keep using oxygen so it must be getting created somewhere.
A: It is.
Q: Where?
A: Look it up.
Q: If our souls start from a place of unconditional love, why is physical existence and the reincarnation process even necessary?
A: First, it gives God a way to create beauty and for souls to experience beauty. Second, souls can appreciate unconditional love best when they have experienced the lack of it.
Q: Story of my life.
Q: I'm still not convinced about why reincarnation is needed.
A: In life, persevering through suffering strengthens you, right?
Q: Yes.
A: Reincarnation is the same thing. Just from a larger perspective.
Q: Who decides my reincarnational fate?
A: You and the overseers of reincarnation.
Q: So it's a committee?
A: You could call it that.
Q: That explains a lot.
Q: Does the collective karmic burden on Earth become lighter over time?
A: Yes, but it's a very slow process, at least from our perspective. Especially since "new" souls are being born all the time, and they have to start from square one.
Q: When I'm done with this lifetime is that experience lost forever?
A: No. From the timeless perspective all of your lifetimes exist "simultaneously". And they all influence your present lifetime.
Q: Is there a "Delete" option?
Q: Maybe this runs contrary to the whole reincarnation process, but may I offer a suggestion for improving our life experiences?
A: Yes?
Q: Give us an "Undo" option, good at any time.
Q: Reincarnation must be false because it violates Occam's Razor.
A: Occam's Razor is not a hard-and-fast rule. Sometimes truth is more complex than what you are expecting.
Q: Give me an example.
A: The DNA molecule.
Q: I still don't understand why you're keeping reincarnation a secret.
A: If it wasn't, the cat would be out of the bag.
A: Everybody would immediately be on their best behavior, and you wouldn't learn anything.
Q: What the heck...I'm not dead? Oh boy. Which way to hell?
A: There is no hell. The worst that can happen is you'll have to repeat a grade.
A: Well okay, maybe two.
Q: Why can't you guys just teach me what I need to know, and we can skip the reincarnating part?
A: Actual learning requires an experience. Just telling you things won't work.
(Quark)With reincarnation there is purpose in creation and everything that happens make sense.
(Quark)Love and harmony are guaranteed to win out over fear eventually. Failure is not possible.
(Student)I've heard that one before.
(Tibbo) You will encounter certain trials during your existence on Earth, that were preordained before your birth.
(Tibbo) Your responses to them are entirely up to you.
(Tibbo) Those responses are indicators of what you still need to learn.
(Student) So they're tests, just like in chool.
(Tibbo) Yes, except you yourself were the teacher that created them.
(Zilfer) Reincarnation principles are remarkably consistent in channeled teachings and eastern religions. That adds much to its credibility.
(Audience) Is that supposed to be a logical argument?
(Zilfer) Yes. It's called probability and statistics.
(Flossie) On this side of the veil we are outside of time and all your lifetimes appear simultaneous.
(Listener) Does that mean I could choose my next lifetime to start in 1980?
(Flossie) You already know that going backwards in time isn't allowed, so reincarnating backwards in time isn't either.
Q: When I pass over to the other side, is there a panoramic life review?
A: Yes. It includes not only your actions, but your thoughts and emotions at the time.
Q: That's going to be a long movie. Can we divide it up and make it a series, like on Netflix?
A: So each year of your life would be a season?
(Tibbo) Buddhism has a lot of accumulated dogma, but it correctly sees reincarnation as its major truth.
(Tibbo) The continuation of consciousness from lifetime to lifetime is as far as Buddhism goes in the way of spirituality.
(Audience) So the main focus isn't faith in a supreme being?
(Tibbo) That's right. It's more like "Rules To Live By".
S: How did reincarnation get started?
G: As soon as Creator allowed individuation into different personalities, reincarnation and karma became necessary.
S: Some people can't leave well enough alone.
S: How can I avoid building more karma?
G: Be nice and don't judge anyone.
S: Easier said than done.
G: Work on it little by little every day.
S: I feel like I want to teach that person an instant lesson for what he did, so he won't do it again to anyone.
G: There's a problem with that strategy.
S: What?
G: It won't work.
G: When you are aware of the workings of karma you can forgive and forget, knowing that eventually the situation will be balanced out.
S: That sounds a lot like "stop fighting, Daddy will sort it out".
G: It is a lot like that.
G: Reincarnation also gives us the reassurance that our life, weird as it may seem now, is probably mostly what we need in this lifetime.
S: I'm going to give myself a good talking to when I get back from this time.
G: A karmic imbalance can be resolved in two ways.
You can experience the same hurt that you have caused to someone in the past,
or you can raise your awareness enough to fully understand the ramifications of what you did. Then the experience is unnecessary.
S: Is this your version of "we can do this the easy way or the hard way"?
G: yes
G: Often when you face adversity that seems insurmountable, you are working through a karmic debt.
When that situation is met with patience and good spirit, it will be resolved and the debt will be more than paid.
S; I understand all that but sometimes it still seems impossible.
G: That's when you have to discover your inner strength. You have it, and we work to strengthen it.
G: We want to help, but you understand it has to be subtle.
G: A larger perspective of everything means you no longer have to feel like a victim.
You can let go of hurt feelings, dismay, discouragement and unhappiness.
S: How do I gain that perspective?
G: Expand your awareness.
S: How?
G: Read books and watch videos of channeled teachings, is one way.
G: Reincarnational awareness also means you can let go of all negative judgments of people or groups.
Even positive judgments of your own groups are often inappropriate, from the large view of the cosmos.
S: Half the fun in life is judging people and groups.
G: Let it all go. You may not have as much of what you call fun but you will have a lot more joy and peace.
S: But we ARE better than them.
G: You're different from them. And not as different as you think. Get to know them better, and let them get to know you better.
G: Knowing about reincarnation is a major piece of your Happiness Quotient.
G: You don't feel like you have to arrange retribution for a wrong done. You can let go of it.
S: That takes a lot of trust in the reincarnation process.
G: If you can build up that trust, it's worth it.
S: It still seems like this whole plan is cruel and unusual punishment.
G: The system of reincarnation and karma is neutral in the large view. And we prefer the term "correction".
G: The complete reincarnational process is a circle. The beginning and end are the same.
S: Then why can't I just stay at the beginning?
G: Even though you come back to the beginning, you arrive there much changed from what you were.
G: When you go on a vacation or holiday you come home again. Do you wish you had stayed at home?
S: Sometimes, yes.
G: Okay, the metaphor is not exact. Actually it's not even close.
S: Let's say it's been pretty clear what my primary experience is supposed to be in this lifetime,
S: and let's say I feel like I've got it pretty well covered.
S: Is it appropriate to switch my focus to something much different that I have developed a deep interest in?
G: Yes. Especially if that something serves all of humanity in a way that is particularly needed right now.
G: But stick to waht you know inwardly to be truth, and make sure your inner fortitude is strong.
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