alligators showing off

Here are listed several sites and directories that are useful in the search for spiritual truth.

Pearls of Wisdom
Inspirational quotes, sayings, stories to awaken our consciousness to uplift, heal and feed the soul for self growth, inner peace & global peace.
Shamanic healing light center - The Wild Rose Dreamers Lodge
Shamanic healing light center - The Wild Rose Dreamers Lodge
sacred garden fellowship
Welcoming all who travel the spiritual path with an open mind and an open heart
enlightened spirituality
One of the Internet's most extensive websites on truly healthy and enlightened Spirituality

Below are some useful books containing channelings from spirit (read them and decide for yourself):

Roberts, Jane, Seth Speaks and The Nature of Personal Reality :
Lee Carroll, The End Times (Kryon Book 1) (and the other Kryon books) :
Pat Rodegast and Judith Stanton, Emmanuel's Book (and Emmanuel's Book II and III) :
Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest, The Prism of Lyra : Royal Priest Research, 1990
Ken Carey, The Starseed Transmissions : HarperCollins, 1991
W. H. Church, Edgar Cayce's Story of the Soul : Association for Research and Enlightenment, 1989
Barbara Marciniak, Bringers of the Dawn : Bear & Company, 1992

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